Working with Git repositories
At the end of this self-learning lab, you should be able to:
- understand what is a VCS
- understand the Git workflow
- Initialize a git repo
- save changes of a repo in a commit
- navigate between commits
What is a VCS? What is Git?
- Git is a VCS (Version Control System).
- It saves history of changes over time.
- You can try changing some code without worrying about being unable to rollback.
- Helps answering questions like:
- What changes did xxx make to the code?
- Who added this line of code?
- When did we add this code?
- Why did we add this code?
- Git is a DVCS (Distributed VCS).
- Multiple developers can work offline independently and merge their work together later on.
- No more sending "" "" "" around... Wait, did we have two different ""s from two different people?
What is a repository?
- A repository is a project in Git. Files related to the same project are stored in the same repository.
- Git stores the history of a repository using snapshots called "commits".
- Any copy of the repository contains the whole codebase and its history.
Basic Git workflow
+-----------+ +---------+ +------+ push +--------+
| Working | staging | Staging | commit | |-------->| |
| directory |---------->| area |--------->| HEAD | | GitHub |
+-----------+ +---------+ | |<--------| |
+------+ pull +--------+
There are three levels of file storage in Git:
- Working directory, where other programs will see your files
- Staging area, which is the version that Git will commit
- HEAD, which is the "clean" (unmodified) version of this repository that Git expects
Initializing the repository
There are two ways to create a repository:
- Create a brand new repository:
- Run
git init
in the directory that you want to turn into a Git repository. You can also do this in a directory with existing files. - Clone an existing repository:
- We will talk about synchronizing your changes with other people in the next section.
When a directory is turned into (the root directory of) a Git repository,
it contains a .git
You can check this by running the ls -A
In Linux, a filename starting with a .
is conventionally treated as "hidden" files
and are not displayed in user interfaces like ls
and Ubuntu File Manager by default.
Try it yourself
Create a new folder named project
under the home directory:
$ cd ~
$ mkdir project
$ cd project
Now initialize project
as a Git repository:
$ ls -A
You will see a single line of output .git/
Staging files
- Files in the working directory have to be "staged" to get tracked by Git.
- Use the
git add <file>
command to stage files.
Try it yourself
First run git status
to see that the working directory is clean
(i.e. working directory = staging area = HEAD):
$ git status
On branch master
No commits yet
nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)
Create a new file abc.txt
inside project
and put the line some text
in the file:
$ echo some text > abc.txt
You can also use other tools like
to create a file
Now you can run git status
again to see that abc.txt
is an untracked file:
$ git status
On branch master
No commits yet
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
As the last line suggests, run git add abc.txt
and try again:
$ git add abc.txt
$ git status
On branch master
No commits yet
Changes to be committed:
(use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
new file: abc.txt
Now abc.txt
is staged but not yet committed
(working directory = staging area ≠ HEAD).
Let's try modifying the contents of abc.txt to something else:
$ echo some other text > abc.txt
$ git status
On branch master
No commits yet
Changes to be committed:
(use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
new file: abc.txt
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: abc.txt
- the working directory has
containingsome other text
- the staging area has
containingsome text
- the HEAD has no
You can run git diff
to see the difference between working directory and staging area,
and git diff --staged
to see the difference between staging area and HEAD.
Run git add abc.txt
again to stage the new version.
You can also run git add -A
which stages all files under the repository.
Very often, we just git add -A
or git add .
to add all files quickly.
To prevent staging some files that we will never want to commit,
e.g. temp files, generated files, log files or personal files,
we list those files in a .gitignore
Try it yourself
First let's initialize a repo with this structure:
├── a.txt
├── b.log
├── foo
│ ├── bar
│ │ ├── b.log
│ │ └── d.log
│ └── c.log
└── qux
└── e.log
3 directories, 6 files
Try using touch
and mkdir
yourself to make this!
Let's run git add -A --dry-run
to see what files Git will want to track with git add -A
$ git add -A --dry-run
add 'a.txt'
add 'b.log'
add 'foo/bar/b.log'
add 'foo/bar/d.log'
add 'foo/c.log'
add 'qux/e.log'
As expected, Git will try to track all files.
Let's try excluding all files ending with .log
$ echo "*.log" > .gitignore
$ git add -A --dry-run
add '.gitignore'
add 'a.txt'
Remember the ""
around arguments where you really want a *
otherwise the shell will expand the argument
into a list of filenames matching that pattern.
You can see that all .log
files are excluded.
If we just wanted to exclude *.log
files directly under repository root
(but not those in subdirectories),
we add a /
in front of the line:
$ echo "/*.log" > .gitignore
$ git add -A --dry-run
add '.gitignore'
add 'a.txt'
add 'foo/bar/b.log'
add 'foo/bar/d.log'
add 'foo/c.log'
add 'qux/e.log'
What if we just want to exclude .log
files under foo
$ echo "/foo/*.log" > .gitignore
$ git add -A --dry-run
add '.gitignore'
add 'a.txt'
add 'b.log'
add 'foo/bar/b.log'
add 'foo/bar/d.log'
add 'qux/e.log'
Oops, foo/bar/b.log
and foo/bar/d.log
are still included,
because *
matches any characters in filenames but not the /
This will only exclude *.log
files directly under /foo
To allow any path components in the wildcard, we need **/*
$ echo "/foo/**/*.log" > .gitignore
$ git add -A --dry-run
add '.gitignore'
add 'a.txt'
add 'b.log'
add 'qux/e.log'
We can explicitly exclude particular files using the !
$ echo "*.log" > .gitignore
$ echo "!/foo/*.log" >> .gitignore
add '.gitignore'
add 'a.txt'
add 'foo/c.log'
Note that exclusion rules only work on files directly, but not on directories.
The following will NOT un-exclude /data/ros.log
is staged in Git as well
(other people will still need to ignore the new files generated on their side!).
If you want to have personal gitignores that should not be staged,
you can also use the .git/info/exclude
This file is resolved as the same scope as the .gitignore at the repository root.
Committing changes
Recall that a commit is a snapshot of the repository. Committing changes is to create a snapshot of the current staging area.
Technically speaking, a commit contains the following data:
- Its parent commit(s)
- none if it is the initial commit
- multiple if it is a "merge" commit, which will be explained later
- The commit message, describing the changes in this commit
- Well-written commit messages are crucial for software maintenance.
- The commit author
- Git will use the name you set in the
git config
command in the previous section.
- Git will use the name you set in the
- Changes since the parent commits
- Git does not really store a copy of all files, but just the difference between commits.
To create a commit, use the command git commit -m "<your message here>"
Try it yourself
Let's commit our abc.txt to the HEAD! Simply run the command:
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
[master (root-commit) 23591cd] Initial commit
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 abc.txt
The code 23591cd
is called the "commit sha".
Now git status
thinks the directory is clean,
because the latest HEAD contains the abc.txt
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
How often should I commit?
There are many different paradigms of sizing git commits. Some prefer a minimalist approach, where each commit is the minimal set of changes related to the same thing. Some prefer not to commit until the whole project is fully working.
Either way, in general, here are some rules of thumb:
- Do not mix unrelated changes in the same commit.
- If we revert a certain commit in the future, we will revert the unrelated changes altogether. This will make things very confusing.
- Test your code before committing.
- Depending whether you are committing to the "production branch", there are varying barriers to committing.
- Regardless, nobody likes seeing a commit history where you first commit a file full of syntax errors followed by dozens of commits, one for each syntax error.
- Commits should be semantic.
- If you are using the GitHub web editor, you would create one commit each time you edit a file. This kind of committing pattern is often frowned upon.
In M2, we may develop code locally, then upload them to robots via Git commits to test on robots. Although this is not a very good pattern, this is usually acceptable as long as you don't create many many commits every time you want to print a debug message or change something very minor that does not even constitute as a "fix".
However, it is perfectly fine to create a commit that fixes a typo; in fact, typo fixes should have their own commits.
Writing clear and concise commit messages
Commit messages must explain the purpose of every commit, no matter how minor it is.
It is important for navigating code history and knowing why some code was added,
so that you don't get $ git blame
d wrongly all the time.
In M2, we follow the following format for commit messages in regular ROS package repos:
<type>: Short, one-line summary
Detailed explanation goes on here
(This restriction does not apply to nontrivial commits from Git like merges and reverts)
The <type>
is typically one of the following:
<type> |
Description |
<feat> |
New features |
<fix> |
Bug fixes |
<refactor> |
Refactor, e.g. changes that rename some existing functions |
<style> |
Reformatting, no semantic changes |
<docs> |
Documentation changes |
<test> |
Adding tests |
<chore> |
Other non-code changes |
Viewing Git history
Command | Description |
git log |
Commit history of the whole repository |
git log <file> |
Filter of git log for commits changing a particular file/directory |
Try it yourself
$ git log
commit 23591cd5e33cfba9706df72b71e441c72a2b7407 (HEAD -> master)
Author: SOFe <[email protected]>
Date: Sun Aug 30 17:38:09 2020 +0800
Initial commit
The full length of a git sha is 40 characters long (as seen in git log
but usually we just use the first 7 characters.
Most commands accept using both the 7-character version and 40-character version
to identify a commit.
Deleting a git repository
When you delete a local git repository with rm -r
, you get a message like this:
$ rm -r my-repo
rm: remove write-protected regular file 'my-repo/.git/objects/78/981922613b2afb6025042ff6bd878ac1994e85'?
This is because git marks all internal objects as read-only
to prevent accidental user modification (by chmod u-w
We can force delete the whole directory using rm -rf
$ rm -rf my-repo